Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Haih. sempat ke nak abiskan ni. Keep asking sempat ke tak tapi tak buat buat pun. haha. Typical me. hihihi. aihhh susahnyaaa nak focus. :(

Monday, May 28, 2012

What was it?

So what's the plan now?
So what was it to you
Were we or weren't we?
Did it come back for you?
Now there you finally see

It's already been gone too long
I shoudn't have pick up the phone
I'm asking permission to pretend
That we've moved on

Is what you'll find in here
Empty... is you'll see,
A lot of things I've offered you

What am I to you?
Was I or wasn't I?
So what you said was true,
Did you or didnt you?

Was it love to you?

Permission by Yuna


Tak perlu dirungkai sesuatu yang terlalu misteri.
Tak perlu dicari, sesuatu yang tak mungkin ditemui.
Tak perlu mengharap sesuatu yang tak pasti.
Tak perlu memberi jika tidak dihargai.
Tak perlu mencinta jika tidak dicintai.
Tak perlu merindu jika tak diingati.
Tak perlu menanti jika semuanya sudah terhenti.
Tak perlu merintih jika tidak didengari.
Tak perlu menagih jika tak dipeduli.
Teruskan berjalan wahai kaki.
Teruskan berdiri di kaki sendiri.
Moga dapat mengubati hati.
Walau tak mungkin terisi lagi.
Yeahh. Maybe i should just let it empty. 

-Perca perca nukilan hati pada 4.47am dikala hati sedang berduka.-

i guess this is the end.

Hmm. at this hour i should be doing my thesis. dimana masa yang ada sangatlah suntuk. tp tak boleh nak fokus. Theres too crowded at twitter nowadays. i think i just cant tweet what i really wanted to say now. i just dont know why. maybe this is the only place i can babble about anything cz i dont think ppl will read this. ehee.

basically i am so sad rite now. I just so confused. what shud i do. how shud i really feel. i cant even think. why is it so hard for him to understand. i just want him to show me that he really love me. i dont want to hear i love you. show it to me. i want to see it. for once.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Fuhhh dah lama tak bukak blog tetiba bukak theres a totally new look and aku jd bangang kejap cari mana button nak post new entry. haha. Dengan keadaan broadband yang kesiputan maka menambahkan peratusan nak marah. 

Okay apa nak cerita ekk. yeahh pasal thesis. homaigod aku berada di tahap yang paling kritikal skarang ni. masih berada di chapter 2. fuhhhhhh mmg semak otak dengan theoritical framework ni. uwaaaaaaa. susah nyaaa nak construct. and what make it worst adalah procrastinates la apa lagi. ohh no actually sbb paling utama ialah malassss! idk why aku jadi sangat dan teramatlah malas skarang ni nak buat thesis ni. dah tak de masa dah ni sebenarnya tapi still main2 lagi. taknak TL. Nak grad on time. :( im so scared sebenarnyaaaa. tp kkdg takut je tp tkde inisiatif pon susah gak kan. bhahahahaha

kenapalahh jadi malas sgt ni. setelah dikaji selidik rupanya puncanya adalah aku takde kelas and cuma kena buat thesis ni je semata2 so apa lagi lemau to the max la kan. and most of my friends semuanya macam tu. 

Next week aku dah kena hantar dua chapter sekaligus. now aku masih lagi terkedek2 buat chap 2. damn! walaupun chapter 3 tu org kata sikit je and boleh buat over a night but stillllll!! ergghhh what is happening to me!!!!! i cant focussss! arghh. now im a complete idiot. i am the epitome of the best procrastinator. hahahah. *idk if i used the term correctly* but yeahhh who cares. hahaaha. 

Ya Allah i really need to buckle up!!! 

So. Bye! :)