Thursday, April 05, 2012

New Addiction

Oh yeahh lupa nak update pasal guitar. hehehehe. i dont know why and since when i am so interested in guitar and playing guitar. Rasa macam seronok sangat bila tgk org boleh main gitar cz aku mcm dapat rasa yang bila you can play music and sing, u really can hilangkan tekanan sikit. So i decided to buy a guitar and i bought white color guitar. Heeee. Learning to play a guitar is not an easy as i thought. its a lot of practice needed and the most important thing i guess is patience, hardwork and talent. without that u'll never be able to play guitar. So now i managed to mesmerized all the simple chord that always use in a lots of songs butttt sampai skrg tak pandai strumming. sangat susah bagi aku adalah strumming and plucking. Kat sini la talent and jiwa music seseorang diuji aku rasa. sbb strumming and plucking ni mmg tkde salah and betul, takde sape boleh ajar kau sbnarnya aku rasa. semua kena ikut naluri sendiri how u wanna follow the beat of the songs. im still learning and thats the hardest part. Till now i can play price tag, kau ilhamku and grenade, but with all down strokes only. :(
Haihh i shud be sleeping by now since i got class tomorrow. bye Assalamualaikum. :)

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